Siyez Flour

Siyez wheat is said to have been cultivated in Karacadağ in the Southeastern Anatolia Region and according to some sources, it is an ancestral wheat type with its existence dating back 10 thousand years. Its genetic makeup has not changed over all this time. It has a single spike and a dense husk structure. The hardness of the husk that surrounds the outside has both protected the blackness from harmful insects and increased its durability by protecting it against cold. Even though it is known as Kastamonu Siyezi, it is also cultivated in Edirne, Erzincan, Kocaeli, Tekirdağ and Kars today. Siyez is also a low-gluten wheat. It contains twice the vitamin A compared to modern wheat. Again, its folic acid and zinc value is higher than other wheat.
Siyez wheat gives a lot of waste during processing due to its hard husk structure. Therefore, it is much more expensive than modern wheat.
Siyazan is Turkey’s necessary to have a value and therefore should be encouraged and cultivation.